Wheatgrass Capsules are specially formulated. Along with wheat grass, it also contains wheat grass extracts. Those who find it difficult to use powder can happily use these capsules. Empty capsules are also made with soy beans. These are completely safe.
Wheat grass is a perfect food that overcomes nutritional deficiencies & is rich in enzymes. It is a gold mine of vitamins and minerals. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, Iron, and Chlorophyll. It is said to be an excellent blood tonic that helps in blood purification & to balance hemoglobin count. Wheat grass is the best available source for living chlorophyll offering a high level of energy. It is believed to be highly effective for weight loss and weight gain.
Happy Herbals Wheat grass is organically grown at the pollution-free Sahyadri mountain range Lonavala, Maharastra, India, and certified organically processed as per pop India standard and in accordance with the organic standards of U.S.D.A
Relives from constipation the root cause of several diseases.Keep sugar & Blood Pressure under control.Clears the lungs cure asthma & all allergies.Controls fat & overweight improves blood circulation.Gives energy to the whole body.Great for pregnancy and those trying to conceive & helps pregnant women to deliver healthy children.High in dietary fiber and thus helps maintain blood sugar level &cholesterol.Benefits the body cells, glands hair, lungs, kidney, liver, muscles, spleen& teeth cures all skin problems.It is improved the wheat grass powder helps hive-aids patients to improve their body resistance and prevents premature deaths.Very effective nutritious food for growing children.Helps in combating diseases such as cancer menstrual problems, paralysis, leukaemia, insomnia, etc.Happy Herbals Wheat Grass powder is certified organic, free from the toxic effects of chemicals coming from Pesticides, fertilizers, preservatives, etc.
2 capsules with water in Empty Stomach. Morning and evening. Recommended for long-term use.